URGENT VIDEO: Lakewood Hatzolah Captain Meir Lichtenstein Has an Urgent Message for Parents

Captain Meir lichtenstien hatzolah urgent message tlsLakewood Hatzolah Captain Meir Lichtenstien, who also serves as the Police Commissioner and Emergency Liasion, had a very strong and urgent message for parents.

This past week, several children were caught after interfering with the Hatzolah radio frequency – an issue which is a repeat of an incident a couple of years ago.

But what was frightening about this particular incident, was the fact that it occurred within hours of a near-fatal call.

“It was seconds of radio transmissions that litelerally could have made the difference between life and death,” said Licthenstien.

Had a child been interfering with the transmissions when the members were trying to locate the unconscious patient, the patient could have died, R”L.

“I beg parents, if you are going to get your child a radio for Chanukah or any other occasion, please, do not allow them on radios that have the ability to interfere with Hatzolah transmissions. This could be very, very dangerous.”

He added, that parents should familiarize themselves with the issue, so that the emergency services in town can continue doing what they do – saving lives.



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  1. Anyone know any good quality radios for kids that don’t have all the channels? The only ones without channels that I could find were very cheapy and looked like they would break easily

  2. Were their radios programmed to transmit on hatzalahs radio or was there interference from another channel.
    It’s pretty bad to program a child’s radio to be able to transmit on harzalahs or any emergency channel.

  3. It’s embarrassing he even has to say this. Do the parents know their child is interfering with Hatzolah, and they let or do they not know. I’m not sure which is worse.

  4. This should include ALL emergency radio frequencies, children interfere with Police(prior to encryption) Fire and First Aid all the time and it has been brought up numerous times!!

  5. kids will be kids… and nobody’s programing these radios to hatzolahs channel its just interfering radio channels Its high time that a couple of the bh very wealthy people in this town get together to foot the bill for a digital (internet based) radio system wich is nearly impossible to interfere with I personally know of an out of town hatzolah that has this system for over 5 years all funded by one philanthropist

  6. Shmerel, although you are right about getting Hatzolah the best radio system you are wrong about the problem. These kids are having these radios programmed to Hatzolah’s frequency by adults who don’t have simple common sense! It’s not interference from a different channel. Personally i think kids or anyone for that matter should have scanners either either. Why is it your business what’s going on in your neighbors house.

  7. hatzolah, hatzolah, hatzolah….. there are other services in this town that are being interfered with by these children using these radios. Where are the parents that are supposed to be watching what their children are doing? This needs to stop before someone dies or is trapped in a burning building, or response to a major accident is delayed.

  8. Can someone tell me what I should and shouldn’t do? Can I buy a two way radio? Which ones? They keep on giving out this half information and then warning that it’s urgent.

  9. Just some information. Regular two way radios can’t access Hatzolah radio frequency. The ones that do are professional scanners. I wonder if these kids can be prosecuted for interfering with emergency services. Hatzolah is not a government entity so I don’t know how it would apply. If I this interference would result in G-D forbid injury or death it may be another story. @Shmeral Its always somewhat funny seeing comments like that. It’s “High time” that the “very rich” people pay for a digital radio system. Of course it should fall on the very rich people. If it wouldn’t be sad, I would be laughing.

  10. Why doesn’t Hatzalah encrypt their radio transmission or go digital? They fundraise for the old analog system, why aren’t they fundraising for a mototrbo?

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