LFD Official: We Can Always Use More Volunteer Firefighters

lfd_7th_st_2There are only six paid firefighters in Lakewood. The rest are all volunteers. And the town is always looking for more volunteers, a LFD official tells TLS. Recently, there has been much talk about residents contemplating to apply for the job, hence we decided to bring you some basic and useful information on how to go about it.

Should you decide it is for you, the following are the requirements, as we obtained from the Lakewood Fire Department.

Interested persons MUST:

-Be 18 years of age
-Be a resident of New Jersey
-Have a Valid New Jersey Driver’s License
-Have a High School Diploma or equivalency diploma
The interested person should select a fire company to join (I.E. Jr. Hose 3) and write a brief letter of interest to that company. Most persons select a company located near their residence, but that is not a requirement. Many will also choose to be with ‘buddies’. (See the list of Lakewood’s fire companies below)

Once the fire company receives a letter, a membership committee sends a Fire District Application to the interested person. That Application is returned to the District Office. Processing of the application includes scheduling the applicant for fingerprint for criminal background check, driver history check  and drug screening. The process is a process that can take three months. After that is completed, the applicant is met by the Fire Company. The final step to enter the fire company is for the applicant to get a physical by his own physician and at his cost.
Upon entering a fire company, the member is scheduled for training. Firefighter I is the first required training. This course is a 152 hour training  course that begins the firefighting training techniques. During this period, the member can respond to fires and drills but is considered a “probationary” firefighter and can only enter fires at certain phases and with senior members of the fire company.

Below is a link to the Monmouth Fire Academy for interested persons to visit to see the various courses offered for training.


Lakewood’s Volunteer Fire Companies are:

Station 64 – located on First Street
Station 65 – located on Lanes Mills Road
Station 66 – located on New Hampshire Avenue
Station 67 – located on River Avenue
Station 68 – located on Cedar Bridge Avenue

Recently, two more Frum Lakewood resident – Meir Cohen and Yehudah Beer – have joined the fire department. TLS.

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  1. Just think- you will actually get to wear a radio for a reason! And leaving seder to go to fight a fire is just as tough as leaving a paid job, but it gets done. Adrenaline!!!

  2. there are more then six firehouses in lakewood! basically there’s one firehouse per firefighter. I propose building 5 city halls for each one of our paid committee members. its only fair!

  3. I am one of the biggest oppenents of taxes but what you said numner 9 makes no sense.

    If you read the article it says there are 6 paid firefighters. Each one works a 24 hour shift. 2 paid FF are on duty 24/7/364 protecting you.

    The other fire houses are located in all parts of lakewood this way they can respond if need a lot quicker than if they only had one location in the center of town.

    Again I am against any and alll taxes but this one is a no brainer.

  4. 14,

    I agree they should have a fire truck per FF. This way if G-D forbid your house is the one on fire they could be there to put it out.

    This blog was posted so our community could understand what it takes to join the fire department. not a bashing post.

    G-D bless our Fire Fighters.

    I would love to join but i’m way past my prime.

  5. It’s rather sad to see someone mock a group of dedicated individuals who risk their life’s every time they respond to a call for help.

    Not too many left in town who remember when the two volunteer firefighter died while battling the hotel fire on Monmouth Ave back in the 1970’s – they gave their life’s to help people they didn’t even know.

    what’s going to happen when there are no more volunteers?

    Reading between the lines it looks like they could use a few more folks to assist them.

    With a population of 90,000 + and growing, the insurance industry requires a certain amount of firefighters and equipment to protect the township

    without the volunteers the town would be required a hire additional paid personnel to meet the insurance requirements

    More paid firefighters cost $$$$$$$

  6. do you really believe they should have one fire truck per person ? is thier any place in the world which has this ??
    i would think its not efficeint to put out a fire and that you need a crew to operate the truck,pump etc…
    everyone agrees that Fire Fighters are dedicated and should be appreicated however its not immunity to doing whatever they want and wasting tax dollars … a station for every ff and some can write ow dare is slightly disturbing

  7. G-d bless and protect our brave firemen who are ready to risk their lives for a stranger! If G-d forbid we lose one all of a sudden they would become the unsung heroes. There seems to be at least 5-6 frum ppl join recently. Keep em coming we need the volies or we will have to pay a paid crew of 10-20!

  8. To mr scoop can you please post where you received your info from as it is not correct. The fire dept will meet with the individual’s prior to them filling out the application. And please post the addresses to the fire houses so that people know where to send there letters.

  9. I think it’s a great idea as long as the training and fitness standards are maintained! (No, I’m not applying – I don’t live in Lakewood.)

  10. You know everyone has an idea on what should be done ..but I don’t see anyone saying “what can I do to help Lakewood and our volunteers”. Just come out and join, it takes a little bit to get in but Fighting fires is not for everyone.

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