Fire Commissioner Candidate Larry Loigman: There Should Be Oversight By People Other Than Fire Dept. Members

loigmanLarry Loigman, a candidate for the position of Fire Commissioner, just made the following statement to TLS: “I’m running because the Fire Department has a very significant budget and there should be oversight by some people other than Fire Department members”. “Just as we don’t fill the Board of Education with teachers, because there has to be outside oversight, there should be some direction and some control by people not directly involved in that function”.

“I do have some knowledge of fire department operations, I was a firefighter in several fire companies outside of Lakewood, and I have an understanding of budget and management, and I think that’s what’s needed for the board of Fire Commissioners”. TLS.

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  1. If you are such a great candidate for this office why wait until the last minute to run, are you hiding something. You should have applied sooner and had your name on the ballot. Something funny is gong on here.

  2. The budget is available for anyone to see. Did anyone bother to go to any meeting and ask questions about the budget.

    I this loigman wants oversight where has he been till know. I he wanted to run for commissioner why is his name not on the ballot.

    The reason why to all these answers is that this person WHO DOES NOT LIVE IN LAKEWOOD and does not care about your taxes.

    Don’t be fooled by this man.

    The Volunteer Lakewood Fire Department is here to serve you. Give them the tools to do there job.

  3. i want to thank mr. loigman for informing us on your reasons why. why is that you decided to publicize your candidacy in this manner? why have you not spoken to our firefighters to get their take on it? why have you not come to meetings to try to vocalize your “findings”? i appreciate that you want to make a change, but why not help and assist the fire dept by helping inform the community instead of going against our commissioners who have much respect and time invested in our community as well as our fire dept?

    our fire commissioners have been long time lakewood residents and firefighters. they fight fires together, because they have earned each others respect and admiration. have you taken the time to get to know our firefighters?

    i thank all of our commissioners and firefighters for all of your time. i thank their families as well for giving us your family to help protect our community. thank you mr. loigman for reminding us how we together as a dept. will stick together as a unit. just remember that fire fighting in this town is eventhough its volunteer its a family of people who have been longtime lakewood people who have worked TOGETHER for the community and have successfully taken care of everyone here.

    good shabbos to everyone.

  4. Quote “Larry Loigman, a candidate for the position of Fire Commissioner, just made the following statement to TLS: “I’m running because the Fire Department has a very significant budget and there should be oversight by some people other than Fire Department members”. “Just as we don’t fill the Board of Education with teachers, because there has to be outside oversight, there should be some direction and some control by people not directly involved in that function”.
    To that I say Nonsense there are other motives here be careful who you vote for ,The Lakewood fire Dept has been a fine organization that serves the needs of this community,

  5. Doesn’t pass the smell test, why come out now at the last hour. Obviously there are “secret agendas” being pushed, maybe one of the fire commissioners can step forward and shed some light?

  6. I saw Mr. Loigman’s flyer stating he was a member of NFPA and member of several fire depts. So he is must be familiar with the OSHA and NFPA standards and rules for minimum manning as set by those organizations. They require on all fires 2 in/2 out rule meaning if two firefighters are in then ther must be 2 outside ready to get them. Well if the paid men did have the volunteers then Mr. Loigman would have to agree each shift would need 4 men or women so now you are talking about 12 personnel or more to cover training, time off, and injuries when they occurr meaning more money in the budget. As for some of the spending of money at the fire houses as development of the town grew so was the need for additional stations same as Hatzolah has done for better response times. Also most of the older firehouses needed renovation work to accomodate the height of new fire trucks that the old firehouses could not handle. Do I defend the budget and the election, No but think about who is responding and the equipment they respond with to help protect you, your family, friends and poeple in the time of an emergency. Sometimes we are pennywise and pound foolish don’t think about the consequenses of our actions until afterwards. Vote smart.

  7. Larry will do an excellent job and he’s a person who will recognize the dedication of all our dedicated fireman who we know put themselves on the line every time their out there. Larry has been dedicated to our community and we know he will do the same for our firefighters

  8. I think if everyone would step back and listen they might learn something about this diverse town we all live and volunteer in. Its not always about the money, it is about all the training, equipment, responsibility, and actions of those that take care of our citizens every day. 24/7/365 Let us do our jobs, let us keep working the way we do. We keep this town safe along with EMS and LPD. Why ruin a good thing, be thankful you don’t have a full paid fire dept, because if you did you would be paying more in taxes, training and equipment.

  9. Can it be that Loigman wants to get back some good will after driving up the budget with Frivoulis Lawsuits?
    Can it be That Loigman was afraid to publicize his canidacy earlier since said lawsuits may have been publicized?

  10. To all those wondering why the candidates are running last second- its bc the fire dept seems to run in secrecy. I searched online all over and there is no information to be found. Even on the townships website the only information that they have is a phone number. If not for the scoop I don’t think the community at large would have known about this election, and these candidates wouldn’t have seen the massive public uproar about this issue. Thank you lakewood scoop for bringing such important things to our attention, and keep up the good work, especially with the school board and township budgets being worked on. The public should scrutinize all budgets in town and make our elected officials know where are extremely annoyed and want to see real change,and we are watching and will not take this any longer.

  11. he has sued several towns for several different claims..and has yet to succeed. Now he wants to pick on a small fire department..Does he even live in Lakewood?

  12. TO #14,
    I’m grateful for any education you may want to pass on to me regarding these elections as I really do not know enough to vote knowledgably about these issues. However, I think you need to be educated before educating others: Frivolous, candidacy are the correct words you should use.

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