[COMMUNICATED] My name is David Benarroch, founder of The Regesh Network. This past summer, under the direction of Rav Yehuda Jacobs, we began a series of hotlines for boys, girls and parents. We never dreamed the response would be this big, OVER 3500 calls! And we do our best to help each and every suffering child that calls in.
Now Regesh needs your help.
Three very generous donors have come forth.
For the next 24 hrs, every one dollar pledged, they’ll give us $3.
Pledge $10, we get $40
Pledge $50, we get $200 and so on.
Please, we desperately need more staff, more mentors and a generous soul offered us free office space, but it needs tons of work.
Whatever you can do, do it RIGHT NOW before it’s too late.
Go securely to charidy.com/regesh
Or Tekumah.com or call RIGHT NOW 732.367.7700
And may you only see Nachas from your children for many generations AMEN.
Is there a way to apply for a mentoring position for this organization?