[Reader-submitted] This year marks the 15th Yartzeit of our dear friend and relative Hadassah Privalsky A”H. Hadassah has left an indelible impression on all those who knew her. Her simchas hachaim and ahavas yisroel were an example we all strive to emulate.
We are once again gathering for an evening of chizuk and inspiration on Sunday evening, January 17th at 8:30 PM at the home of Leiba Marsh – 25 Commonwealth Drive, Sunset and James, Lakewood, NJ.
We are privileged to have as our Guest Speaker this year Mrs. Sori Schechter, Menaheles Bais Yaakov High School of Lakewood.
There will be a salad bar and mini Chinese auction with proceeds benefitting Keren Zichron Hadassah. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Is the event open for men?
It is only for women