PHOTOS: Fourteenth Street area residents today will have noticed the new changes made by Lakewood’s Department of Public Works. The changes, to be completed in the coming weeks, include a new requested turning lane, a crosswalk and thermo-striped yellow lines for long-lasting use.
The changes, says DPW Superintendent Tony Arrechi, will stretch from Forest Avenue to Hope Chapel Road.
The turning lane was placed at the intersection of Forest Avenue and 14th Street, and the crosswalk at 14th Street and Tangelwood Road. TLS-NM.
A good start, Every intersection in Lakewood needs turning lanes, the next urgent ones are both ends of William st prospect & pine, and spruce st & rt 9
oh good another crosswalk that wont be used
Why do you need a crosswalk for? The residents do not use them They cross the street where ever they want.
What about the requested traffic light at the corner of Forest Ave. & 14th St.? Waiting for more accidents and chas vshalom more tragedies?
the turning lanes will not help traffic, they will just legalize the normal fourteenth st driving patterns.
What about mlk and pine
What a stupid idea. As a caterer who does many jobs by ner dovid I have to sometimes park on the side of the road to get to the back door of ner dovid. now that shoulder is a turning lane. This stinks. I just love when the twnshp does things without looking into all aspects of what they are doing (ie first street and clifton, how many times are they going to change the road directions there.
To #7- If you are parking on the shoulder where this turning lane is you are breaking the law. There are No Stopping and No Standing signs posted even before the Right turn lane. Also per your driving test and NJ Law there is no parking within 50 ft of a stop sign and 25 ft from an intersection period whether or not your a caterer.
Mr caterer get yourself a handtruck then park legal and wheel the food in.
Dear Reb Caterer
As much as I understand your concern and symapthize with the extra work this will cause you, perhaps consider that the blame does not lie with the township. That corner has always been a dangerous intersection and when Ner Dovid opened, it just made it worse. Perhaps Ner Dovid is to blame for not creating an area in their parking lot that allows you easy access to their kitchen. The township made that area a no parking zone a long time ago. I dont know what changed but it would not be a bad ideato reinstate it. And if we can get people to stop parking on the corner of 14th near Hope that would also be nice!
There is no worse intersection in all of Lakewood than Pine Street and Martin Luther.
It needs a traffic light with turning signals and turning lanes BADLY!
they should have put the southlake light on the corner of miller and hope chapel. there is more traffic off of miller road now. and the road that really, really needs a light is mlk and pine