A young Lakewood Middle School student was hospitalized on Tuesday after getting drunk in school, school personnel told TLS.
According to staff members, students found the 14-year-old girl “wasted” and reported her to school officials, who in turn phoned police.
A staff member said the girl had reportedly brought tequila to school.
Police and EMS responded and transported the girl to MMCSC.
“She’s probably going to face some type of suspension,” a staff member told TLS.
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This student needs expulsion. In Manchester a student fell out due to alcohol and once they were brought to the hospital the principal emptied their locker and kicked them out of school.
Expulsion should NOT be the first resort. The first resort is to get her the proper help she needs. She properly needs counseling or a mental health professional to help her. Expulsion is never the answer!
They should figure out who got the alcohol first.She’s not old enough to buy it herself.This is the second time that it happened in the same school.