[RAFFLE LINK] The following is a letter from Kollel Ner Bunyomin: Dear Chaver, We are pleased to inform you that the Kollel, with Hashem’s help, has experienced tremendous hatzlacha. Members of the community who enter the Bais Medrash are consistently impressed with the ruach haTorah and hasmadah of the yungeleit.
The Kollel was established over 2 years ago and is dedicated in memory of Rav Binyomin Daniel
Amoyelle, who was a respected member of the Lakewood community. Rav Binyomin zt”l lived a life
with unlimited dedication and mesiras nefesh for mosdos HaTorah and the klal.
The Kollel has b”h completed a few mesechtos in shas and is currently learning meseches Sukkah.The Rosh Kollel Harav Aryeh Leib Paretzky שלי’’טא ,delivers chaburos with הערות ,חדושים , and ידיעות on the .סוגיות
We Have expanded to include 24 members and would accommodate more if the financial situation would allow. The Kollel’s continued existence and growth greatly depends on the generosity of anyone who wishes to be machzik Torah.
Please take advantage of this opportunity, to show your encouragement and support of your friends and relatives. B’zchus hachzakas haTorah, may Hashem bentch you and your family with parnasa, gezunt, and an abundance of yiddishe nachas.
Tizku Limitzvos & Thank you!
Kollel Ner Binyomin
we love yitz keep it shtark
I can personally testify that this is one of the most intense night kollels I have seen.
Rosh Kollel is amazing.
how much do they pay want to join
how much is the pot currently?
# call 732-443-0222
why do wanna join? it sounds like the kollel that ony meant for shtark people!