Chaveirim Conducts Mock Search

PHOTOS: Missing persons have proven not to be an uncommon situation in Lakewood, as recent incidents have shown. In light of it, Chaveirim – which continuously trains for emergency scenarios –  held a mock search last night, to give members the needed experience, should the unfortunate occasion present itself again in the future.

Based on scenarios of recent searches, Chaveirim members split up in pairs, and equipped with a description of the missing parties, maps, flashlights, reflective vests, boots and other necessary search equipment, the members headed out in search of the ‘missing persons’.

The members conducted about a half hour search by car and on foot in the area of the Lake and surrounding wooded areas, before locating the parties lying in the woods.

In recent months, the Lakewood Police Department has turned to Chaveirim and LCSW to assist them in searches of missing persons.

During a recent search, it was LCSW and Chaveirim members who tipped off the police with the whereabouts of a missing juvenile from Ella G. Clarke School, who was located by police shortly afterwards. TLS.

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  1. 57 you da man what you do for the people of the town aint shayich between chaveirim bikur cholim or whatever else they call you for no matter day or time.

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