VIDEO: Rabbi Sruli Fried, Director of Chai Lifeline NJ/PA, Addresses Parents In Step-by-step Discussion With Children Regarding Lakewood Tragedy

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  1. Anything you don’t talk to your children about your friends will. Keep that in mind when they get to bar and bas mitzva and you don’t talk to them about adult topics. Rest assured their friends are 100% talking about it at recess. So if that’s the education you want for them keep avoiding your job as parents. Let the immature and inappropriate children at school teach your kids instead.

    • You are 1000% right!
      There is a great book by Dr Shloime Zimmerman called ‘from boys to men’ which is a tremendously helpful in helping your child mature in a healthy way.
      Highly recommended!!

  2. akiva did your parent tell you? im sure you found out from your friends maybe in school or maybe in camp, just like we all did, bh we did fine

    • I’m so glad you had it so easy. I’m sorry not all of us did , not me or the over 1200 people I’ve talked to. I have so much more to say, but if I have to say it it all I’ll never finish (it can be a whole seires of books, literally, not just a article on TLS, etc…), and my reply will never be approved.

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