Accused Cop Killer Jahmell Crockham Arraigned In Court

PHOTOS & VIDEO [Video 1 – Press Conference & Scene Outside Courthouse]  [VIDEO 2 – Full Court Hearing Of The Accused Killer][Updated 7:00 p.m.]  Jahmell Crockham, the teenager accused of the

brutal murder on police officer Chris Matlosz, appeared in Ocean County Court moments ago. Crockham, appearing in front of Judge Wendel Daniels of Lakewood, is facing weapons and murder charges in connection with the shooting death of Matlosz.

Crockham was also read his rights.

The emotional hearing was attended by the LPD’s Detective Bureau team, who walked out red-eyed from the courtroom. TLS.

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    Then, and only then; will we see things like death penalties, concealed carrying permits, and abilities to protect ones family via leather power, when a criminal is inside in NJ.

  2. I hope the judge is smart enough to hold him in jail. The previous jusdg who let him walk on gun pocession should be fired and hired as a crossing guard

  3. This is so hard to watch. What a creep. Doesn’t look he cares at all; actually, he seems to be enjoying this. Such a horrible thing to happen. At least he’s off the street. I guess that’s something.

  4. Forceful? Are you kidding me. Forceful would have been if they put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger three times before they walked him out of the courtroom.

  5. Jake:

    Yeah, 3:41 is just because he killed a cop! Makes you happier?! That’s what you call “forceful”??? Give him to me for ten minutes.

  6. All these internet tough guys.
    We have a Constitution and he has rights.

    MHO. . . bring back “Ol’e Sparky” and fry him. Let the lights in Lakewood dim for this maggot.

  7. I’m surprised at the rabid comments from this bunch. You are so intent on revenge for that officer that you’ve already convicted Mr.Cockham and sentenced him to death, while, like everyone else in this country, he is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

    And do you know what kind of childhood poor Mr. Cockham had that may have led him to this tragedy IF indeed it was him at all? Do you know what kind of abusive parents he may have had? If he was bullied at school, and if he had enough snack at recess?


    Hey, everybody, get ready for this kind of garbage that the lawyers for this vicious fiend are going to spew, because it’s guaranteed to happen.

  8. i can’t imagine what it must be like for a police officer to stand beside this repulsive, reject, of a human being and not respond to him, as we all want to, and just put out him out of his misery. may G d bless you all for doing your job and may He have NO mercy on him .noreen

  9. Anyone care to find out why the judge let him free? Nobody is talking about OUR justice system that is responsible 4 letting himloose on the streets to kill a wonderful cop. Can we get some coverage and HEAT on the Honorable justice who loved and felt for Mr. Savage/Crockham to let him loose?

  10. well no matter what the shooter went through in his child hood, he took the life of an innocent person.. i am sure he did not learn that in school.. R I P officer Matlosz..

  11. To #19
    As disgusted as I am at the acts of this individual, there is absolutely no reason for your ignorant comment. If you’re a racist, own it. Don’t hide behind your stupidity. Drag him behind a pick up truck until dead, really? If he was a christian would you recommend being nailed to a cross, or if he were jewish lead him to the gas chamber. Kindly take the time to second guess yourself prior to posting any hateful comments loser!

  12. I don’t think that death penalty for killing someone is right because what happens if it’s by mistake? He should also get the death penalty? Over here it was on purpose but I still don’t like the idea of death penalty. I think he should be put in jail for life! Which will prevent him from killing other people.

  13. We are not yalking abt the death penalty in general just by cop killers. And why should this MURDERER live an enjoyable life in prison while Chris will never be brought back. Why should tax payers have to pay for this despicaple heart less murderers meals and lodging. The death penalty for cop killers should be reinstated now before this idiots friend see his free game and try to copycat! Rip Chris we do and will miss you. And may god avenge your blood.

  14. the jjudge who released this murderer on cun charges must be fired.
    no witness will come forward at the time of the trial.
    get rid of all the rental apartments and build homes.

  15. There is NO poor Mr. Cockham !
    1. His so called bad childhood, does not give anyone the right to kill!
    2. He does not deserve to be call MR.
    3. Alleged?? It was him and the officer, a blind man could figure this out!
    4. Death penalty is the easy way out. He needs to SUFFER, for all the suffering he has caused the family and friends of Chris Matlosz. Life in prison, in a cell with no activites.
    5. No federal prison, that is too good for him. How about a Turkey prison where the prisoner really do suffer.

  16. Hey Jake this guy is a scum bag. You’re probably another bleeding heart liberal who apposes the death penalty. he deserves to get treated they way he does. He shouldn’t get the time to sit there and mouth “I love you’ to his baby momma who is turning out little (moderated) in his likeness, because Officer Matlosz’s friends and family will never be able to say those 3 simple words to him

  17. Yes, he is a vile person. Yes he committed a horrible act. Yes he should suffer the appropriate punishment. But these comments about stringing him up to the back of a truck and other racial comments are terrible. If the situation were reversed would you be okay with those comments, or would you demand that the justice system do its thing?

  18. oh oh! hang him on the clock in LKWD square and let every member of LPD hit him with their baton..but dont kill him yet,then allow Kelly to shoot him in the head with a .50caliber…4 times….3 for payback and one for good luck!

  19. It’s all Bush’s fault

    Sarah Palin made him do it.

    We need to find some conservative to blame this on. That way we will be able to milk this tragedy for all it’s worth so that we can continue to destroy this great country.

    [Signed] A gushing proud liberal

  20. To #24- I understand that you are uncomfortable with the extremely violent comments, but the considerations that you took are not an excuse. I dont care what kind of upbringing this guy had- what he did, as a 19 yr old, is HIS PROBLEM!!! If only this society would stop placing the blame on other people we’d be a lot better off- just fess up, and clean up your messes after yourself.

  21. im sorry tls i know this was a great tradgedy but you’re a news blog and this isnt news please change the featured story to something more updated thank you ps rip cris hope your family can grieve you properly

  22. kill him. end of story. im sure none of us would like anywhere from $35k-$50k PER YEAR to house this animal oh wait do the math life in prison he is 19 so maybe another 70 years…….. over 3 million to keep him alive…..dont think so….go singer!!

  23. The average prisoner costs 50,000 -60,000 a year to keep in the system. The average student 10,000 – 12,000 (numbers in Lakewood higher, but resources DO NOT go into the public schools) With that said, how about we reverse this? Food for thought.

    Perhaps if we put our resources into the youth, programs, schools, job training and other incentives…MAYBE we will have less prisoners, section 8 and welfare. Just saying…

  24. Where is the evidence that he actually commited this crime. He is innocent until proven guilty and yet you all are so quick to beleive he’s guilty. Stop allowing the media, and the government to scare you into allowing injustices to occur. Where is this young boys legal counsel. Why is it that we are hearing so much about the victim to tug at our heart strings, but we are not hearing about why such a young man was driven to kill. Stop hating and start investigating.

  25. No one deserves to die but honestly if they wouldve arrested him wen he murdered justin then this wouldve never happened.. And that’s (moderated) that they didn’t get enough evidence until this cop got shot because I’ve been hearing that sav killed him since november! He does deserve to be locked up for what he did to poor justin god bless his soul

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