VIDEO: Township officials take a look at new truck keeping Lakewood smelling fresh and looking clean

Township officials on Friday took a look at a new truck which is helping keep Lakewood looking and smelling fresher.

The truck, operated by two young men, offers to come down to your home once a month to clean your trash and recycling bins by placing them in the rear of the truck and power-washing them.

The men presented the truck to the town in hopes of partnering with the Township and offer this service on a larger scale.

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  1. There is a company based in lakewood that sells bags for the cans in all local groceries or online so the cans remain clean after garbage day. I personally have used these bags for couple weeks at a time and the cans stay clean and don’t smell. During the summer we change it weekly and works like a charm. Its good that all residents have now so many options to keep their cand clean. Hatzlacha

  2. Wow. Great idea. I live in a wooded area, and the squirrels feast on my garbage. Hence, My cans smell. And i dreas bringing them to the curb in garbage day. I would love to use this service. Plz post number for service call. Hatzluche Rabbah, Chevra !!

  3. I don’t stick my nose in my garbage cans and I don’t really care how clean or dirty they are. My garbage bags don’t leak so my cans shouldn’t get too dirty and my recyclables are mostly paper and cardboard so that doesn’t smell either.

  4. While I would probably not spend the money on it… a few of my neighbors use them. Very meticulous job. After the machine power washes it… he takes the time to spray the outside and top and then spritz in some pleasant smelling spray. They really do a phenomenal job.

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