Agudath Israel Releases Statement on Proposed Mandate for Women to Register for Military Draft

Agudath Israel of America is a national Orthodox Jewish organization. We offer this statement to express concern regarding the provision within the proposed National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022, which will require all Americans, including women, to register with the Selective Service System. The registration framework will be utilized in the event that the draft is reinstated and there is need to mobilize the armed forces for military conflict or national emergency.

Over the years, many concerns have been raised in regard to manpower, management and morale of the military in the event that women would be required to serve alongside men in service to their country. Those concerns are real. However, the concern we wish to highlight in this statement relates to how the draft registration requirement will infringe upon the religious liberty of women who have religious objection to such military service.

While an in-depth survey of religious traditions relating to women’s participation in warfare and defense is beyond the scope of this statement, it is clear that a generalized requirement for women to register for the draft for the purpose of serving in some unknown military capacity in the future would be highly objectionable to many religiously observant women. Indeed, it is likely that large numbers of these women will not so register.

Agudath Israel respectfully requests that this issue, and these consequences, be considered carefully. There is much at stake here and fundamental freedoms may be lost. That should be cause for concern among all who cherish religious liberty.

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  1. Can agudah please pick a lane… either they support democrat politicians with liberal ideologies or they do still stand for conservative traditional values. It’s very confusing when they try to sit on two chairs.

  2. It’s not necessary to “pick a lane.” Each candidate has to be considered according to his merits of lack thereof. We don’t have to support politicians according to party lines. The people in our community have become obsessed with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity etc.and other right wing personalities, who happen to be members of the Republican party. True, the Republicans as a whole reflect our values more than the Democrats, but the practical way to go is to look at the record of each candidate individually regardless of his or her party affiliation.

    • To #4, your comment may have some validity if members of Congress voted as individuals instead of along party lines, but with the exception of 2 Democrat Senators regarding the monstrosity known as the infrastructure bill(one being from the heavily Republican State of WV), that hasn’t happened in years.

      When was the last time a Democrat crossed party lines in a decisive vote? Particularly when it comes to progressive social issues. It hasn’t happened in years

  3. I am not speaking for Agudah, but as Jews — that is exactly the point. We do not subscribe to one ideology/political party and make it into a religion. We need to do everything according to the Torah. And there is no political party like that, unfortunately.

  4. just as america has lost its mind, the problem in
    EY is נהיה ככל הגוים. klal yisroel’s claim to EY is that HaShem promised us the Land in the Torah. no other reason. but the israeli govewrnment thinks it can pick and choose. they have chosen to choose ONE thing from the Torah. i hate to break it to them: it doesnt work that way! i am very frightened

  5. The Agudah is confused? R Shmuel and R Malkiel are confused? I guess 100 years ago you would consider R Chaim Ozer and the Chofetz Chaim confused. Boruch hashem we have such brilliant scholars such as you to illuminate the darkness for us. Everything must be so lily white and pitch black in that crystal clear chozeh vision of yours. If only R Akiva Eiger had been zocheh to learn at your feet he would have had to bleib tzorach iyun gadol so many times. He was just so confused and lost because he didn’t have the tremendous brilliance and gadlus that you obviously posses. A true malach who walks amongst us and comments on websites to educate and inspire the more peons that we are. The amount of chutzpah and azus is astounding. Am keshei oraf is meaningless to begin to describe how people here malign and belittle talmedei chachmim as if they could possibly even begin to tackle any of these issues with their pea brains. Chutzpah norah and apikorsus to be mevazeh talmedi chacamim.

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