Shmira Line: Make it an Abuse-free Yom Tov

Hear messages from Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rabbi Forscheimer, Dr. Shanik, Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein, and Dr. Sara Teichman.

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  1. Wow! Thank you all involved for taking a proactive stand against this very real problem. As a survivor of sexual abuse from a close family member, I can attest to the terrible results of unsupervised un-boundaried family together time… parents, please heed the call and create safe boundaries for your children. A child will not tell his/her parents if something happens unless he/she has the words to say as well as the security that the parent will help him/her. Speak to your children. Let them know the safety rules and let them know that you are here for them if anything happens that doesn’t feel ok for them. Lastly, believe your child!! Children who are brave enough to step up and ask for help deserve to be heard and cared for

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