Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles responds to your ‘Ask The Mayor’ questions: Brook Road idea

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].



Thank you for you hard work you do for this town.

I have one very important suggestion that would spare us many accidents.

As we keep seeing on “the scoop” there are many accidents on the corner of Brook and 7th streets, and we cannot wait for something really bad to happen. While some have asked for a traffic light, I do not think that is needed at all. All that is needed is signs attached to the stop sign that say “ cross traffic does not stop”. These are used in many local townships and it gives the driver a clear warning to stop. Additionally it is really cheap and should not need any traffic studies.

I look forward to you kind reply

Yaakov M

Response from Mayor Coles:

Good morning Yaakov,

I ran this suggestion by the Police & Public Works. We all agree it is a good idea. They will have the signs made & installed at this intersection. We will also look for other areas where they may be a help.

Thanks for bringing this idea to our attention.



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  1. There’s no reason that a 4 way stop cant be put there- it wud b still safer than the above suggestion. When ppl become USED to the idea of 4 way stops, they work more efficiently. Growing up in Toronto, 4 way stops are most common and when ppl abide by the basic rules of 4 way stops, traffic flows quickly, efficiently and safely… Worth considering..

  2. @lkwdmom the unfortunate difference is that people in Toronto drive with courtesy. If you’re from Toronto I’m sure you’d agree with that.

  3. I think we need signs all over Lakewood “other driver(s) has stop sign but-is in a huge rush/late to pick up his kid/on their phone/spacing out/not interested in stopping/feels that you should really be the one who has to stop……

  4. The corner of Somerset and East Seventh could use that same sign. Many people don’t stop properly on Somerset because they think there’s a four way stop sign.

  5. Plain and simple!!!!!!

    It won’t work!!!!!!!!!

    Just put up a 4 way stop sign before it’s to late!!!!!!

    It’s going to cost the Township a lot more money, if God forbid someone gets killed!!!!!!!

  6. I c some dont even stop at a stop sign they just act like it it said yield and at red lights people dont even stop when the light is red and turn right

  7. Talk is cheap when saying it “would be safer”. Making more cars stop slows traffic down and inconveniences a driver when it may not be beneficial enough to warrant the stop. It would also be safer to wear a helmet while driving, slow the speed limit to 5mph and block the intersection entirely. We need to let people live life without inconveniencing for every possible safety concern. Safety is important but only within reason.

  8. Yes torontonians are more curtious but its also what u get used to doing…they work well when eo is doing their job!
    @me- ud probably also feed ur kid snack bags brkfst lunch and supper bc its sone sort of food right?! Just saying, same attitude. Lol

  9. In addition to the new sign, we should still add two more things. 1) Place a large STOP lettering on the floor of the roadway, in advance of the actual stop signs on Brook Road South & Ridge Ave North. 2) Remove the trees on the corner of the KBT corner lot so that sight triangle will be un-obstructed, as it is supposed to be.

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