Lakewood Police Chief Greg Meyer answers your ‘Ask The Chief’ questions: Cops on cell phones & going through red lights

The following is an ‘Ask The Chief’ question submitted to TLS, and the Chief’s response. Email your questions for the Chief to [email protected].


To Police Chief Greg Meyer,

Thanks for taking the time to hear us out.

One would understand that policemen would be an example to the citizens. I just wonder why it’s OK for policemen to talk on their phone while driving. Also I’ve seen a couple of times where the light turns red or there’s traffic and the policemen has no patience waiting his turn so he’ll put on his lights and pretend there’s an emergency and after he passes the red light or the traffic the emergency seems to have disappeared and he’s driving regular again. Why would that be OK?

The Chief’s Response:

Thank you for your question and I agree 100 percent that police officers should be setting an example to the public at all times. NJ State law allows for the police, and first responders to talk while driving as long as it is related to their police duties. Many times our dispatchers will ask the officers to call in to relay sensitive information to the officers rather than tie up the radio as that can lead to an officer safety issue. A lengthy message over the radio may stop an officer for calling for help or backup or requesting first aid or even a fire truck, delaying or putting lives at risk. These days cell phones are an important part of police and EMS work because of the volume of calls we receive and limited radio channels.

As far as an officer using his emergency lights to go through a traffic signal is due to the nature of the call the officer is responding to. An alarm call or a holdup call requires fast response, and the officer doesn’t want to pull up using his lights and sirens alerting the bad guy to the police presence or we would risk injury to the citizen or officer. Therefore an officer will use his lights to get around traffic rather than waiting making his response too long and not being able to do his job. Driving regular again is also being cautious and making sure they arrive in one piece as if they drive with light and sirens the entire way it may increase the chance of an accident and them not getting to the call in a safe manner.

Thank you,

Chief Meyer

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  1. In all honesty it’s not Lakewoods police officers that are any different then any other police dept… it’s why we have internal affairs…
    we need to respect our officers either way!!!

  2. I agree that we need to respect our officers who do put their lives at risk to protect us. However when I do see them putting their lights on to go thru the red light they don’t usually take off as if they are going to an emergency. Also the amount of officers I see on their phones while driving I have a hard time believing they are speaking to dispatch.
    Thank you again to all our officers who are out there protecting us.

  3. Oh grow up! The cops in lakewood are great and let them have some leeway (they give us a lot of leeway as well) there many more important questions to ask!

  4. a big thank you to all our hardworking police officers who put their lives on the line everyday to keep us safe! LAKEWOOD POLICE OFFICERS- WE STAND BEHIND YOU!

  5. In new york they unofficially officially do it. Due to the traffic lights at almost every intersection it stops them from patroling and are told to do so

  6. I have never seen such a dumb question being asked on a public news site… do you know what business the police are tending to? Likely not. worry about the careless and agressive drivers that plague the community. Perhaps a community awareness to the abusive driver’s who have been destroying the next generation of drivers.. SMH

  7. @TLS – please make sure not to relay dumb questions like these to the chief. Let’s keep this q&a for matters that can mean to us and be helpful.

  8. Why are ppl so quick to jump and label somebody else’s question stupid? I can’t stand when people use themselves as a gauge and anything that they didn’t think of or they don’t agree with is stupid! Let’s Stop judging and name calling…none of us ever learned why we have the churban??? Did it ever entertain our minds to think something and not say it, or not type it? do we think the laws of lashon hara do not extend to the written word? I did not even read the article yet but the comments kill me so much! Why do we must push down others to bring ourselves up?
    Do you disagree with the commentators or those asking the question? No problem! Just praise the cops and leave out the rest, your message will be heard and absorbed way louder and better!
    (I for one do not agree that we cannot do something because it is dangerous, but that because one is in law enforcement they are privileged to do it without reason. Is it a privilege to get hit or kill another possibly? If it is so dangerous, that it is illegal, are we not concerned for our men in blue and those around them while they do it? Yes, of course there are emergencies, and for me too there have been and I have done it too on those occasions..but if it is true that the law is strictly there for safety, then i worry for our finest and bravest mens’ safety too!)
    May we all stay safe and worry about our own faults and not spend our time looking for the bad in others!

  9. I see many cops stop at lights and wait like the rest of us. However I don’t see any problem with cops going through red lights even when not attending to emergencies. I see it as a good way to increase circulation around the town. The bluetooth idea sounds like a good one.

  10. Not so sure this is such a dumb question just not the appropriate forum. Ten years ago I got into an accident with a police officer (out of Lakewood) who was on the phone and jumped a stop sign on a two lane road. He wasn’t on the phone with dispatch. The law in nj is that my insurance had to pay because he was a cop. That wasn’t fair. If I was on the phone and jumped a stop sign what would’ve happened? Because it was a cop my insurance went ip

  11. #9- my take is TLS knew this is a dumb question but decided to post it regardless to get the public’s take on it. This community is extremely proud and appreciative of our incredible police force and I think the debate generated by this ridiculous question posed to the chief proves it..

  12. Cops can have privileges as long as they do it in safe way, and they are entitled to be forgiven if they make mistakes, by driving unnecessarily a bit wild.
    Having said that, they should also respect citizens right to be human and make mistakes, without costing themselves a full days work, taking away bread from their table!!!

    If they are concerned they should give reminders and warnings.,,,

  13. My wholehearted appreciation for the brave officers of the lakewood police;
    Every am when they go out, they know they may confront armed criminals, and in their work they risk their lives to protect us; As in all situations, there may be some bad apples, but that does not reflect on most of the great police officers ;
    Thank you for all your great work!

  14. Just wanted to chime in and express my personal appreciation to the amazing LPD. They are there for us day and night and I couldn’t be more grateful. Their proffesionalism and kindness stands out and we are blessed to have them.

  15. I definitely appreciate the LPD and everything they do to make and keep us safe!
    But I don’t think this was a stupid question or the wrong forum. As a matter of fact I think this was an extremely important question. And the answer is even more important, in my opinion. My kids, and I’m sure they aren’t the only ones, have noticed the police officers on phones and have commented on it. “Maybe it’s not so dangerous”, “Maybe it’s ok to make a quick call” (I’ve also heard “how come the police don’t have to follow the law”). Until now, I really didn’t have a clear answer. Now, I do! Thank you!

  16. Look
    If speaking on the phone is a danger, then even if its a cop, its still dangerous no?
    And if we are required to uphold the law
    With draconian consequences if we dont
    Why shouldnt law makers and police officers have to keep those same laws?
    But yes cops in Lakewood are great( eventhough I see the running red light, turming off thing, all the time )

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