Red Cross and Lakewood Fire Department Offering Free Smoke Alarm Installations; Register here

To help reduce the number of home fire-related deaths and injuries, the American Red Cross has launched the Home Fire Campaign and is partnering with the Lakewood Fire Department to help families be better prepared for, and take important steps to prevent, home fires.

Lakewood residents can register now to schedule a free Red Cross Home Fire Safety Visit. During a visit, Red Cross volunteers demonstrate some simple changes in the home that can help protect a family against fire and, together with members of the Lakewood Fire Department, will install FREE smoke alarms where needed in the home. Home Fire Safety Visits will take place from April 4 through April 7, 2017, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. To register, visit or call the Red Cross at 732-493-9100 (x1250).

If a fire breaks out in your home, you may have less than two minutes to escape. Remember to test your smoke alarms monthly and practice your fire escape plan. The Red Cross and the Lakewood Fire Department want to help you, your family and our community stay safe. For additional fire safety information, including free tools and resources, visit

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