Blinded By A Laser

[Reader Submitted] To whom this may concern. I was driving yesterday on (moderated), when I suddenly was blinded by a green laser shining into my face. The light caused me to turn my head to see what was going on, nearly driving into the oncoming lane.

I don’t know who it was shining the laser, but I would imagine it was a kid playing around, as I heard from a friend of mine afterwards, who had a similar experience with a kid.

Now I don’t know if this is a new game for children, but it’s sure a dangerous one.

This messageĀ I have for the parents of these children, is as follows:

Pointing lasers at drivers can be very hazardous, and so I ask of you that you please keep a close eye on your children as they handle these ‘toys’.

Thank you.

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  1. It’s also against the law and if you are caught you will get arrested. Keep your laser pointer away. better yet, do not use one or you could end up literally blowing a hole in your retina

  2. Sorry, but in spite of the irresponsible behavior of the laser-shooter, a competent driver keeps his/her eyes on the road even when distracting events are occurring on the sidelines.

  3. Dear Always Right,
    A competent driver is ALWAYS alert to his or her surroundings. Driving with tunnel vision can be extremely hazardous to your (and others) health!
    I didnt know that people still rode high horses in this day and age, but please come off yours!

  4. unfortunately laser has become the latest trend for the cheder boys… and is becoming available in more and more places as we speak because that’s what the boys want now.

  5. To the moderator – I believe that you should please mention the street name (that it seems was moderated) so that we, as drivers can be more vigilent for such incidents around that area.


  6. @Always Right

    Your name should be “always wrong”! Pilots are blinded by lasers and you want an ordinary driver of a vehicle to be able to continue drriving safely?!! Don’t know about you, but I wasn’t taught how to drive with a laser pointed at my face.

    LPD should take this VERY seriously and impose very harsh fines on the parents if not more.

  7. i bought one for my son, i didn’t know they were dangerous!!!! what is dangerous about them? aside from shining them in someones face who is trying to drive.

  8. Laser pointers are great toys to play with your cat with, they chace the light and play like crazy; but thats as far as it goes. THe kids up north who were caught pointing a very strong red laser pointer in the air at planes were arrested under the homeland security act, its no joke. The parents who allow their kids to have these pointers need to be dealt with as well, not just the kids. How else did they buy it or did they steal it. Parents know more then you think and need to be held accountable for their childrens actions, kids are not raising themselves, or in some communities are they?

  9. You didn’t say where the laser was,but last week I was out in my front yard and saw a beam going across the house across the street from my house. Stayed out for a few minutes to see if I saw it again I was going to call the police. Don’t people know theses are not toys.

  10. Parents should also try be on top of who their kid’s friends are.
    Other kids can give friends these lasers to play with and you never know what goes on when you’re not looking.
    Another thing is to tell your kid in the best way possible how dangerous this is. Don’t tell them in a way that will scare them and make them rebellious. You want your kids to love you.

  11. I’m curious about your reasoning for censoring the name of the street/area where this incident occurred. I can’t imagine why that would be sensitive information. In any case, this information about the danger of lasers should be spread so that everyone who didn’t know until now, will know that these are not toys!

  12. It’s been about 2 years since the last incident of the laser pointer on the school bus. It’s extremely dangerous. Another popped up this September. I am happy to say that student is no longer on the bus.. I had given him fair warnings. I had also given him a few breaks. Yet, he would continue to use the laser pointer. He thought himself to be above others, only he knew better. Ater several requests (3) to meet with the parents went unanswered, something had to give. Then it came to where hearing that the other kids on the bus wanted to beat him up. I spoke to (moderated) at his school, whom was not pleased. (moderated) made the decisionto remove him. Now the parents becamed concerned. Too late. The rest of the bus students are happy again, no one getting lighy shined into their eyes. The student still goes to the same school but I think his parents drop him off at another place to take another bus in. Yet I wish him well, He never got his laser light pen back.

  13. @always right: Have you ever had a laser pointed into your eyes while driving? I’m assuming not, otherwise you would never make such a comment.

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