Watch Live 9:30 PM: Can Comedy Mixed with Therapy Heal Deep Wounds and Trauma?

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  1. In general at least for me and I am not a rpofessional the idea of approaching Trauma and Depp wounds may be presuptuous if its the ONLY intention on the table.

    I have long ago given up on merely healing alone; because its not really so clear what BEING HEALED means.

    To make this short ; what I have added to my arsenal of approaches to past Trauma and emotional wounds is the great and wonderful world or worlds of HAVEING SOMETHING TO DO ABOUT IT ALL.

    Instead of seeing ONLY healing I have added ACTION to the picture DEALING tothe picture AVODA to the picture WORKING WITH IT tothe picture.

    Small example:

    Imagine someone went through a trauma butand acknowladges how bad and evil it was BUT NOW GOES AND SEEKS TO HELP PEOPLE OFTHE SAME TRAUMA.
    Is this person healed… No! But the person is in a state of WORK AND AVODA vis a vis their trauma and living in a Fairy land and fairy tale where one day one day all will be healed.

    Does this mean that healing is off the table… No! It may be that Healing is needed to get tothe point of DEaling.

    But I personally who am not a proffesional am not convinced that seeking full healing tothe point that it is so healed that I now become like another person who never went through it!?!?!? I am not convinced that such a hope is a good idea!

    But rather he hope of healing in the sense that one should get to the point of being able to move and work with it and grow with it and change with the trauma and face the trauma and Develope with the trauma and make a lifes mission andn a lifes purpose from the trauma that sounds amazing and wonderful to grow from the bad and grow from the evil and work and eal with it.

    Just my non-professional exploratory 2 sense.

    May we continue to explore how the Kochos Hanefesh work acording to the Torah till a 120.


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