The Verdict on Soon-to-be President Donald Trump: A Jewish Perspective. By Rabbi Dovid Abenson

On May 30, 2024, former President Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies by a jury in his “hush money” trial in New York, marking the first time in U.S. history. The trial, which is perceived as biased due to the involvement of only Democratic judges, was criticized for its lack of impartiality.

This blatant bias, coupled with the political atmosphere of the establishment, has turned the Constitution and the principle of impartial justice into a total mockery. America is the rule of law now a laughing stock of the world.

It signals a dangerous erosion of law and order in a civilized country, where political agendas overshadow the pursuit of truth. From a Jewish perspective, what can we learn from this unprecedented event and its consequences for those who engage in such evil conduct.?

I would like to compare the conviction of former President Donald Trump to the account of Sodom in the Chumash. Rambam provides insights into the nature of justice, societal responsibility, and the consequences of inaction when it comes to immoral behavior.

Let’s explore these concepts in greater depth.

Corruption and Perversion of Justice

The Gemara in Sanhedrin 109b presents Sodom as a society where justice was totally perverted all the way to the establishment- “the elite”. There were four judges in Sodom and they were named for their actions: Shakrai, meaning liar, and Shakrurai, habitual liar, Zayfai, forger, and Matzlei Dina, perverter of justice.—illustrate a legal system that consistently undermined fairness and integrity. Their rulings punished victims instead of perpetrators, highlighting systemic corruption that eroded the foundations of their society- that is exactly what’s happened with Donald Trump.

The Gemara brings down several cases in which the judges of Sodon perverted the law. I am just bringing one case as an example of how they render the judgment: In a case of one who strikes the wife of another and causes her to miscarry, they would say to the woman’s husband: Give the woman to the one who struck her so that she will be impregnated for you again.

This mirrors the allegations against the justice system in Trump’s trial, where perceived biases and extended procedures suggest a potential undermining of fairness. Totally perverted, the opposite of true Justice.

Arrogance Born of Prosperity

The Sages taught in Sanhedrin.109b that the people of Sodom became haughty and sinned due only to the excessive goodness that Hashem bestowed upon them. And what is written concerning them, indicating that goodness? “As for the earth, out of it comes bread, and underneath it is turned up as it were by fire. Its stones are the place of sapphires, and it has dust of gold. That path no bird of prey knows, neither has the falcon’s eye seen it. The proud beasts have not trodden it, nor has the lion passed thereby” ( Iyov 28:5–8). The reference is to the city of Sodom, which was later overturned, as it is stated thereafter: “He puts forth His hand upon the flinty rock; He overturns the mountains by the roots” (Iyov 28:9).

Sodom’s citizens, blessed with extraordinary wealth, fell into extreme arrogance and moral decay. Their prosperity fostered a false sense of invulnerability and a blatant disregard for divine commandments and basic human decency. This narrative serves as a powerful warning against allowing wealth and power to breed ethical complacency and arrogance.

Similarly, the immense financial and political power behind the forces against Donald Trump has contributed to an environment where ethical considerations were overshadowed by the pursuit of power and victory. The arrogance born of this power can lead to moral decay, as seen in the relentless pursuit of Trump’s conviction. As Donald Trump mentioned they have a lot of money and I don’t know where it’s coming from.

Punishment of Kindness

The Sanhedrin.109b brings down a story regarding a young woman(Yefeh Einayim writes this was one of Lot’s daughters)who would take bread out to the poor people in a pitcher so the people of Sodom would not see it. The matter was revealed, and they smeared her with honey and positioned her on the wall of the city, and the hornets came and consumed her. And that is the meaning of that which is written: “And Hashem said: Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great [rabba]” (Bereshis 18:20). And Rav Yehuda says that Rav says: Rabba is an allusion to the matter of the young woman [riva] who was killed for her act of kindness. It is due to that sin that the fate of the people of Sodom was sealed.

This story of the young woman punished for her act of charity exemplifies the moral bankruptcy of Sodom. Her execution for feeding the poor highlights a society that punished compassion and rewarded cruelty. This underscores the severe consequences for societies that suppress altruism and kindness, leading to their ultimate downfall

In Trump’s case, the trial’s atmosphere and the harsh treatment he received, despite his previous position as president, can be seen as a lack of compassion and an overemphasis on punishment. The absence of any leniency or consideration for his past contributions suggests a society quick to condemn without room for understanding or forgiveness. He did no wrong.

Donald Trump Speaks to the Nation After Conviction

Following his conviction, Donald Trump addressed the nation, highlighting statements given by the court in total conjunction with the White House and the Department of Justice. He emphasized that the legal proceedings were influenced by President Biden and his associates. Trump also pointed out the unprecedented imposition of a gag order, stressing that it has never been done before, especially as he is leading heavily in the polls.

I would add that this Democrat-led court system against Donald Trump is perpetuating a biased narrative, reminiscent of the injustices described in the Chumash. This is exactly how the court system worked in Sodom, a one-way system of evil as elaborated in the Gemara in Sanhedrin 109b.

Complete Accountability

The destruction of Sodom illustrates the principle of collective accountability. Everyone in the city was held responsible for the pervasive immorality and injustice, emphasizing that a society that tolerates or engages in widespread wrongdoing is collectively culpable. The Rambam’s interpretation further elucidates that inaction in the face of wrongdoing implicates the entire community; no one in Sodom made a demonstration to condone these evil rulings from the courts and people. In contemporary terms, the Democrats and their supporters, who are perceived as rejoicing over Trump’s downfall without critically assessing the fairness of the proceedings, will face a collective moral reckoning. The societal impact of their actions, totally fabricated and unjust, will lead to severe repercussions, just as Sodom faced complete destruction. All those who vote or condone their actions will be destroyed.

Hashem killed the inhabitants of Sodom instead of putting them in prison, why was their punishment so severe?

The Ramban to answer this in his Mishneh Torah, Melachim 9:14

How must the Noahides fulfill the commandment to establish laws and courts? They are obligated to set up judges and magistrates in every major city to render judgment concerning these six mitzvos and to admonish the people regarding their observance.

A Noachide who transgresses these seven commands shall be executed by decapitation. For this reason, all the men of Shechem were obligated to die. Shechem kidnapped. They observed and were aware of his deeds, but did not judge him.

The stories of Sodom and Shechem illustrated the severe consequences of transgressing the Noahide laws. In Shechem, the male inhabitants were executed for failing to bring Shechem to justice after he kidnapped Dinah. Similarly, in Sodom, the corruption of the court system led to their destruction. Both cases resulted in the execution of decapitation as a punishment for their grave sins.

Applying this principle to current events, the Democrats have perverted the law against former President Trump, making a mockery of justice. They have transgressed the Noahide laws by corrupting the judicial process with liars, habitual liars, forgers, and perverters of justice exactly how Sodom judges ruled. According to the teachings of our great Sages, it comes out that all those who support or vote for such people will be made accountable and face severe consequences- executed by decapitation.

A lesson to be learned for All Mankind.

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  1. Democratic judges? The judge gave Trump a break by not throwing him in jail for contrmpt of court attacking his family and other matters after repeat warnings. No other person would have gotten away with that behavoir without spending time in a jail cell.

    Trump was convicted 34xs by a JURY selected in part by Trump’s defense attorney. Facts matter.

    Strange, very strange how a pious man can support the most immoral and ethically challenged public figure in this country.

    • Apparently you have very little real knowledge as to what happened in this case. The gag order was unconstitutional. The jury wasn’t selected by his attorneys, they were out of challenges in about 5 minutes. The jury consisted of over 90% anti trump New Yorkers. Trump team wasn’t allowed to present a defense. Most importantly, at no point was a crime ever named. certainly not a felony. At most they have him on a single misdemeanor. Then the openly anti trump judge informed the jury that there need not be a unanimous decision. Any guilty decision is acceptable.

    • Ya can’t prove your acvusation. Typical cut & paste from sick media. Accuse, accuse, accuse , but don’t say facts. Typical left instinctive, atavistic lies and smears. No facts.

  2. Oopah.. you lie. Lawyers have limited amount of objections to a potential juror. You obviously are a medically TDS sufferer. You’re so angry you’ve misspelled words in your frenzy.

  3. Thank you Rabbi Abenson. We need more like you to speak out without fear. We need to cry out against gross injustice , and especially to one was was good to Jews and Eretz Yisrael.

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