Send Your Child Off To Camp Safely With A Tick Pack!

ושמרתם את נפשותיכם!!

As part of its extensive efforts to raise awareness about the dangers of tick bites, Life for Lyme, a division of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, has created Tick Packs filled with essential items to protect yourself and your children from tick bites with pediatricians and Doctors encouraging each camper and household to purchase a Tick Kit and have it on hand at all times.

As we enter into the summer months, it is important to be diligent about protecting ourselves and our loved ones from the dangers of tick bites. Life for Lyme, a division of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, has taken proactive steps to raise awareness about the risks associated with tick bites and the importance of prevention. Through their Tick Packs, filled with essential items to protect against tick bites, they are making it easier for families to stay safe while enjoying the great outdoors.

Tick bites may seem harmless at first, but they can have serious consequences. Ticks are known to carry bacteria and viruses, including the dreaded Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease is a silent pandemic, with many individuals suffering from a range of symptoms without realizing they have been bitten by a tick. This can lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment, resulting in long-term health complications. By raising awareness about the risks associated with tick bites, Life for Lyme is helping to save lives and prevent the spread of tick-borne infections.

The Tick Packs available for purchase contain essential items to protect against tick bites. These items include a clothing repellant spray, mirror, bug bracelet, tweezers, safety information, and other items that can assist in both prevention and home treatment of tick bites. By having these items on hand, families can take proactive steps to protect themselves and their children from tick bites while enjoying outdoor activities.

Pediatricians and doctors are encouraging each camper and household to purchase a Tick Pack and have it on hand at all times. By having these essential items readily available, families can quickly respond to a tick bite and take the necessary steps to prevent infection. Prevention is key when it comes to protecting against tick-borne infections, and the Tick Packs make it easy for families to stay safe while enjoying the summer months.

In addition to providing Tick Packs, Life for Lyme is dedicated to spreading awareness and education about tick-borne infections and Lyme Disease. Through marketing campaigns, educational materials, and awareness events, they strive to educate individuals about the risks associated with tick bites and the importance of prevention. Their organization also provides support groups, doctor referrals, and other resources to help those suffering from tick-borne infections.

By taking proactive steps to raise awareness about the dangers of tick bites and providing essential items to protect against them, Life for Lyme is making a positive impact in the fight against tick-borne infections.

Their efforts to educate individuals about the risks associated with tick bites and the importance of prevention are helping to save lives and prevent the spread of tick-borne diseases. With the summer months approaching, it is important for families to stay vigilant and take proactive steps to protect themselves and their loved ones from tick bites.

By purchasing a Tick Pack and following safety guidelines, families can enjoy the outdoors while staying safe and free from tick-borne infections.

Limited Amount Available

To order Your Tick Pack In Lakewood Area Message or call 732 267 6743

To Support Life For Lyme Click Here

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  1. I bought one. It’s tic spray and tick removal kit and other items that ensure outdoor safety. It’s things I would have bought from Walmart. Doesn’t seem like a thing someone would give away for free, although organizations do sometimes distribute promotional items that have value this was things i needed to buy anyway. I believe it’s hand packed and the money goes to an organization to spread awareness.
    I had to pick it up though because needed before a trip, they were very accommodating.


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