Send Shabbos Meals and Sponsor Barbeques and Chizuk Events for Soldiers in Israel



Send Shabbos meals and sponsor barbeques and chizuk events for soldiers in Israel



from 3202 donations


Goal: $500,000


a soldier on the front lines!

For just $50, you can send a complete Shabbos to a soldier on the front lines!

Donate $50 unit of 5 soldiers!

For just $250, you can send a complete Shabbos for a unit of 5 soldiers!

Donate $250

BBQ and Chizuk EventFor just $1500, you can sponsor a BBQ and Chizuk Event for an entire base!

Donate $1,500




Even when battling the enemy, let the sanctity of Shabbos envelop them!


The matzav is Israel’s north is intensifying daily as towns and cities are barraged by Hezbollah rocket fire. 

Every day, more and more soldiers and reservists are being dispatched to IDF bases in the north which are ill-equipped to handle the number of mitzvah-observant soldiers.


Lehachayot is launching a special initiative to send Shabbos meals and sponsor barbeques and chizuk events for soldiers stationed in Israel’s north.


Show your support to IDF soldiers and reservists who are risking their lives to defend our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael by sponsoring a Shabbos meal complete with grape juice, challah, zemiros, fish, meat and more! Let the sanctity of Shabbos envelop them!

Donate now!




























Lehachayot Organization

578 Troy ave # 23BROOKLYN,NY 11203Tax ID: 844572196

Donations can also be made through checks in the United States For those interested in donating and for more details – please send WhatsApp texts To the number +972534430036 – Rabbi Mendi

Contact Organizer

[email protected]


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