Senator Singer, Assemblyman Schnall, and Assemblyman Kean Demand Immediate Legislative Hearings on JCP&L Failures

In response to countless complaints from constituents who have experienced significant hardships due to JCP&L’s inefficiency and unresponsiveness, Senator Bob Singer, Assemblyman Sean Kean, and Assemblyman Avi Schnall, all of the 30th District, are demanding immediate legislative hearings to address Jersey Central Power & Light’s (JCP&L) repeated and ongoing failures.

“The lack of accountability from JCP&L is unacceptable,” said Senator Singer. “Our communities are suffering from persistent power issues that disrupt daily life and economic stability. It is high time we hold JCP&L accountable and demand immediate action to resolve these ongoing problems.”

Constituents in the 30th District have reported excessively long wait times for street light repairs, insufficient electricity output causing delays for residential, commercial, and educational connections, and a repair system characterized by outlandish response times and frequent cancellations.
These issues have led to severe consequences, including homeowners losing their mortgages due to lack of power, businesses forced to delay their openings or close down, and schools being unable to operate, leaving students in limbo.

“Enough is enough,” said Assemblyman Schnall. “Our constituents deserve better. It’s time for the State to step in and hold JCP&L accountable for their continued disregard for the needs of our district. We demand immediate legislative hearings to investigate these failures and ensure our community receives the reliable service it deserves.”

The legislators emphasize that JCP&L’s continued failures are not merely inconveniences but severe disruptions affecting the livelihood and well-being of their constituents.

“JCP&L needs to address these issues especially in Lakewood,” said Assemblyman Kean. “The company’s failure to provide adequate service is impacting homeowners and businesses. Despite our repeated attempts to have JCP&L rectify these issues, we need answers and action from JCP&L.”

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  1. Please keep the community updated on what is being done to ensure the shoddy electric infrastructure is upgraded to avoid the constant outages.

    If this issue is rectified fast it would be worth having voted Avi in to office even if we see no tuition relief.

    There are few issues on this level that face the people of this city.

    Its difficult to put into words the issues this has caused this past erev shabbos.


  2. what about the road closures every other evening on rt 9 south,its a hefker velt, anytime a company wants to do the smallest amount of work they enconvenience the entire area ,a few yungerleit stopped comming to our night kollel because it was ridiculous for them to get there. Get all the crews together , and on one night install all your hydrants, and your poles, and draines etc….its time to think about the community!

  3. they plain don’t care about Lakewood, all their employees get paid either way and they have no accountability to anyone, good luck when you build your home and business, give at least an extra 8-10 months of carrying costs due to the delay of get electric to your facility, the last time I got anywhere from jcp&l, was actually when our wonderful senator Bob Singer worked for them. maybe time for him to take over their operations,

  4. R’ Avi, The construction world & frustrated homeowners thank you!

    A contractor who constantly struggles with explaining to clients that there’s not much to do about JCPL’s complete lack of accountability & communication.

  5. The most frustrating thing is knowing that the entire system had to be rebuilt 11 1/2 years ago when Sandy destroyed it. The opportunity was there and it should have been hardened and the lines buried.
    The problem today isn’t so much JCP&L, but First Energy and their Midwest executives.


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