PHOTOS: Rav Tzvi Kushelefsky, Rosh Yeshiva who Had First Child at Age 88, Visits Lakewood Cheder

Rav Tzvi Kushelefsky, the Rosh Yeshiva from Eretz Yisroel who recently had his first child at age 88, visited the Lakewood Cheder today to give Chizkuk to the children.

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  1. Why is it important to talk about the fact that he didn’t have a child of his own till 88?? Can we let this man live without everyone talking about that he waited to have children so long??

    • No, it’s not invasive to talk about. Rav Tzvi himself has been travelling and talking about his miracle and being mechazek people who are waiting for yeshuos for a long time. He and his wife see it as their mission and way of saying thank you for this precious baby.

      • How is this מחזק childless couples – men? They should hope their wives die so they could remarry? I don’t quite get the חיזוק piece.

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