New Jersey State Senate Committee Now Scheduled to Hear Antisemitism Bill

Following a public outcry, the New Jersey state Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee has rescheduled a hearing on a bill which would adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism into state law.

The hearing, which is currently scheduled for this coming Monday, is the third try for the bill, which is already law in nearly 40 states and dozens of countries around the world.

In March, a hearing on the bill was cancelled after the committee was already underway, after a large crowd showed up at the statehouse in Trenton in opposition to the bill.

And in May, a committee hearing was cancelled just days before it was scheduled to be heard, with Senate leadership citing “security concerns,” a decision that was sharply criticized by Shlomo Schorr, who serves as Director of Legislative Affairs for Agudath Israel of America’s New Jersey office.

“The IHRA definition of antisemitism serves as an essential tool in combating the pervasive and insidious threat of antisemitism in our communities,” Schorr said in his statement, in which he urged the Senate leadership to “reconsider their decision and find alternative means to ensure both safety and the continuation of this important legislative process.”

“It provides a clear framework for identifying and addressing acts of hatred and discrimination against Jewish people. By not holding a hearing, we risk missing a critical opportunity to educate, discuss, and adopt measures that could help protect the Jewish community and uphold our state’s commitment to justice and equality,” Schorr continued.

The IHRA definition refers to “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred towards Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed towards Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, towards Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

Opponents of the law claim that the definition stifles their free speech and outlaws criticism of Israel.

Supporters of bill have noted that the bill does not restrict speech at all and allows for criticism of Israel.

The bill is sponsored by Senators James Beach and Bob Singer and by Assemblyman Gary Schaer, and has seven co-sponsors in the Senate, along with 24 co-sponsors in the Assembly.

Those wanted to testify for the Zoom session must register online here.

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