Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles Responds to Your ‘Ask The Mayor’ Questions: Two Questions

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Thank you for giving us this platform to communicate with our amazing mayor! I have 2 questions-

1. There are 2-3 daycare centers on my way to work and way home from work that do not have sufficient (or any) parking for the parents/caregivers when dropping off and picking up the children. This causes backed-up traffic and unsafe double-parking like you’d see in NYC.

What are the requirements for parking spaces for daycare centers? Is there something that can be done to ensure cars do not block the main roads at rush hour (for me it’s 9:30-10am and 3-3:30pm)?

2. I see the Township is putting up a traffic light at East 7th and Park. Can you pls have the township staff also consider putting up a light at 7th and Princeton? The traffic on Princeton Avenue each morning and afternoon seems to be coming from back-up at that 4-way stop. I feel that cars take time going through this 4-way stop intersection (which is a very good thing), but then it can take a good few minutes to get from 6th & Princeton to Squankum & Princeton during these busy mornings & afternoons.

Thank you and looking forward to your answer.
– Appreciative Lakewood Resident

Response from Mayor Coles:

Good afternoon

Parking requirements are set when the application goes before the planning or zoning board. If you get back to me with the exact locations. I can have someone answer your specific questions.

I will; ask Traffic & Safety to look into the light you are requesting. It is not a simple or straightforward project to get a light installed. I have another ATM question dealing with this very topic.

Keep am eye out




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  1. Dear Mayer Coles,
    Thank you for your service.
    I wanted to bring up an issue I’m hoping you can help me with.
    About 2 months ago I attempted to purchase a product from a vending machine. I put in a quarter but it did not register nor was it returned. After doing a deep investigation I discovered the machine appears to be on Town of Lakewood property which I believe makes Lakewood responsible for my loss.
    After another deep investigation I realized the problem was I accidentally inserted my lucky Canadian quarter into the machine.
    I sent a postcard outlining my issue to the “Emergency Management” department (with today’s inflation I think this certainly qualifies as an emergency) but have not heard back. Which I think earns me a refund on the cost of the postcard as well.
    The postcard was 53¢ & the current USD value of a Canadian quarter is 18¢.
    I hope you can help me retrieve my 71¢ from the Town of Lakewood as soon as possible. As a proud Lakewood citizen I’d hate to waste money so please fix this before next thing you know, with interest I’m owed not 71¢ but 73¢.
    Thank you,
    Gimpel Gedalia Gomer G.

  2. Since i don’t cross park and 7th too often and when I do there is no major backup. Why are they putting a light there? It will just cause more traffic?


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