Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles Responds to Your ‘Ask The Mayor’ Questions: Traffic Light Questions

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Hello Mayor Coles

Thanks for the amazing job that you do for Lakewood!

Ther is a great need for a turning arrow at the intersection of Hurley and Central Avenue. The cars are flying as the traffic light turns green and it’s impossible to turn left
Is it possible to look into this?

Many thanks

Response from Mayor Coles:

Hurley and Central is one of the intersections which the state is addressing with the work they are currently doing.

Committeeman Lichtenstein set up a meeting with the state DOT a couple of weeks ago, and we spent significant time at this intersection, so they could see it for themselves & suggested ways to improve on the plan they are formulating

Thanks for writing



Good morning

Thank you for allowing public input for the safety of our town. We appreciate how you address each request and achieve results. Thank you!

With the new Vine Road opening between Pine and Cedar Bridge, the Pine Street traffic is only worsening. Washington gets extremely backed up at prime times during the day and it can be a very long wait until one can make a left turn onto Pine St. There was a traffic light put in on the Cedar Bridge end, but what, if anything, is being done to alleviate the Pine Street traffic? Can there be a light put in at the corner of Washington? At one time they had a crossing guard, so the township is aware of the necessity, and traffic has only worsened since.

Thank you very much. Looking forward to your response.

Response from Mayor Coles:

Thanks for writing

There is a light being installed at Pine & Vine. Additionally, the township is in planning to widen Pine. This will probably be done in early 2025.


Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]

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  1. will we ever get back our right turning late from cedar bridge to MLK, or will they leave the huge left turning lane (which is always empty ) for the carpet store??!!!


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