Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles Responds to Your ‘Ask The Mayor’ Questions: Sidewalk Questions

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Dear Mayor,

I recently saw you answered someone else’s questions regarding sidewalks.

My block, Arlington Ave between Elm St. and John St. is missing portions of the sidewalk. Not only that, there is fencing that comes up really close to the curb making it necessary to walk in the streets to get past those houses.

There is a lot of pedestrian traffic on Arlington Ave, especially children, from people walking to the shops on Cedar Bridge Ave.

Is there any way you can take a look at this block and see if anything can be done to make it safer?

Thank you for all your help and for always listening.


Response from Mayor Coles:

Thanks for reaching out. I will ask our engineer to look into the section which need sidewalks. We need to determine if the township owns the right of way for the sidewalk or if we need to obtain it. Once the determination is made about the right of way, we can figure out if the fencing is encroaching on it.



Hi, Dear Mayor.

During this past holiday, I was taking a walk with my family down Cedar Bridge to go visit a family member and I noticed that between Shenandoah and Clover there is no sidewalk and a very small shoulder to walk on, it’s a little scary to walk there especially with kids. Is there any way to have a sidewalk put there?

Thanks! Moshe.

Response from Mayor Coles:

We are working with the county to put in additional sidewalks in that area.



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  1. Also please please please stop parking and blocking sidewalks! I walk with a special needs young adult and it’s dangerous to have to go into the street with a wheelchair.
    Also between 2nd and 3rd street, there is a telephone pole and sand where a piece of sidewalk once was. Please either put concrete down or remove the sand and put dirt. I have to walk all the way around the block because the wheelchair can’t get thru the sand

  2. and its a real chutzpah when people build houses or do a renovation they totally destroy the side walk, you have no right to inconvenience the tzibur! my kids cant go play with their friends anymore down the block because they need to go into the street, and lady’s with strollers have a hard time
    please be a mench and think about your neighboors!


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