Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles Responds to Your ‘Ask The Mayor’ Questions: Multiple Questions

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].



I believe that the traffic light on cross street at the James/Cross intersection does not stay green long enough and is the cause of much traffic on cross street. My observation is in the afternoon hours. I’d like to request that this be investigated.

Response from Mayor Coles:

Good morning. I will ask engineering to look into it right away



Hi Mr Mayor. I’m loving the new Vine St extension and I’m sure as more people find out about it, it will get loads of usage. Great job!

Quick question when I drove by this morning I saw a stop sign there and was wondering if the township put it up or one of the neighbors illegally.

Thanks again for all your hard work and especially for making yourself available for common folk like me 🙂

Keep it up!

Response from Mayor Coles:

Good morning. They are official township stop signs

Thanks for reaching out



Dear Mayor,

Thank you for your time and attention to all of the road concerns in the city.

There is a dangerous move that many cars are making that I’m hoping you can find a solution for.

Two buildings were recently constructed right after airport road on Cedarbridge. The speed limit there is 50 miles an hour and most people are driving fast between 50-60.

The way the road is designed there’s no way to easily access the buildings when coming from lakewood.
There is no turning lane for cars to stop and turn.
Instead there is a double yellow line. Cars are supposed to pass the building and turn around to enter the lot.

My concern is that drivers who want to enter that parking lot often stop completely on Cedarbridge to cross the double lines instead of entering the way that the road was constructed.

It feels like they are coming to a complete stop in middle of a highway ( to make an illegal turn).

Is it possible to install dillineator barriers on the double yellow line?

I’m concerned that if something isn’t done to enforce drivers to use the road the way it was designed it could result in a very serious accident.

What can be done?

A Concerned Driver

Response from Mayor Coles:

Thanks for writing. I will ask traffic and safety to check it out and forward their recommendations to the county engineer



To the honorable Mayor,

I am so blown away at how you run our township, especially listening to all the requests of the residents in regards to the traffic patterns in our town – after all it’s us who are the ones driving on the same roads and know best what would ease the traffic.

Hope Road I am sure you are aware turned into a mini Route 9 nightmare in the past two years bec of the lights that the township keeps putting up. I’m not sure if the township realizes but putting up traffic lights increases traffic not decreases.

But now that they are up we need the township to REMOVE the green turning arrow from all the lights so we don’t delay the cars another minute from the other direction. (There is never more than 1 car waiting to turn left by North Lake or South Lake so why are we having an arrow just for one car?)

We also need you to DECREASE the time of the green lights by:

South Lake
North Lake
14th st
Miller Rd

Every extra second that there is a green light for those roads it causes cars on Hope to sit in hours of unnecessary traffic every single day! What a pity!

I drive down Hope road a minimum of 25 times a day and I never see more than 3 cars max waiting to turn on to Hope by 14th, South Lake, and North Lake!
So why are we having an 8 second greenlight for them?
It’s so so frustrating for us drivers to watch this 🙁

Please tell us this will be taken care of ASAP so we don’t have another Rt 9 nightmare on Hope Road.

Thanks again for all the wonderful work you do for Lakewood! It does not go unnoticed!

Response from Mayor Coles:

Thank you for the kind word. I must let you know that all 5 members of the committee put in many hours each day making sure things ruin as smoothly as possible. I sometimes forget to acknowledge their actions.

I will ask engineering to speak to the county engineer about this again

Some good news. The county is in the initial stages of implementing a program that will synch the lights and adjust timing as needed. It is part of a federal grant designed to improve traffic flow



Good Morning,

Thank you for all you do every day for our town!

This morning I was very disappointed to see a lane on Central Ave almost by Rt 9 closed for Verizon to replace telephone poles. This was between 9:30-10 AM and definitely not an emergency! Why did everyone have to lose even more precious minutes on the first day of the day camp/summer season which is usually hectic and full of traffic??

What can be done to ensure that any non emergency roadblocks are done on off hours (not between 9-10:30 AM and 2-5 PM)? It could’ve been done at 7 AM or 6 PM and wouldn’t have impacted nearly half the amount of drivers.

Have a wonderful day and hope you stay cool!

Response from Mayor Coles:

Thanks for alerting me to this. I have forwarded it to traffic & safety to find out why the normal starting times for construction were not followed



Honorable Mayor Coles

Will it be possible to put a stop sign it’s Spruce and Washington. I know the spruce people will be annoyed but it will make it a lot easier for the Washington people to make turns.

Thank you


Response from Mayor Coles:

I will ask Traffic & Safety to give us a recommendation for it




Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]

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  1. What a silly question about the stop sign on Vine. Didn’t you see the white lines painted in the street. Does that look like a neighbour painted it? Where is

    • The stop sign doesn’t belong there. Makes no sense. Why should a new street that is supposed to increase the flow of traffic be impeded by a Elm st. a small, infrequently used street.
      Is there a stop sign at John and MLK?
      Is there a stop sign at Williams and Buttell?

      No, because that would be stupid and slow down traffic on Williams and MLK, respectively.

      Mayor, please remove that stop sign at Elm and Vine.

      • He might consider it if you guys stop going 65 mph.
        I dont love stopping, but in a 25mph zone, if I’m going 32, I get cars passing me over the yelllow lines. So its common sense to have a stop sign the block before Cedarbrige.

    • It is a very confusing stop sign on Vine/Elm. Coming down Vine you don’t see it until you are right there-expect rear end crashes of sudden stops and crashes of most Vine drivers that won’t even see it in the first place; the painted lines don’t help as that could just be a crosswalk without a stop sign.

  2. To a concerned driver, Mayor Coles, and everyone else: per NJDOT, a double yellow line only means ” no passing”. Unless there is a no left turn sign properly posted, left turns are legal on cedarbridge ave and other streets. To the Hope Road traffic signal complainer: I have witnessed , and been behind 15+ cars waiting to turn left from north lake drive onto hope rd, as well as cars in the turning lanes. I appreciate left turn signals and long for them on route 9 at central/ hurley as well as all 4 sides of rte 9, pine, and james st

    • BUT NOT THE 14th Street light which is the cause of the current snafu on Hope. REMOVE 14th St/HOPE light and make it no left turn!!! Let everyone go to North Lake if they need to turn.

  3. Frustrated Lakewood Mayor To TLS: “I Would Prefer One Multiple Choice Question Per Post Instead Of A Deluge Of Multiple Questions! Okay?!!!”
    Frustrated with the vast amount of questions that he’s been fielding as of late from his constituents on the TLS website, Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles told reporters on Tuesday that, if given a choice to respond to multiple questions, or just one multiple choice question, he would choose the latter.
    “No question about it,” the Mayor told reporters on Tuesday, “TLS would make my life so much easier if, instead of tossing multiple questions at me, they would send me just one multiple choice question, with a multiple choice of answers to choose from.”
    “I mean, name me one person who doesn’t like multiple choice questions,” the Mayor said, “and name me one person who would prefer to spend hours and hours of his precious time responding to multiple questions from multiple sources, instead of answering one simple multiple choice question from one constituent!”
    The Mayor then made the following plea to TLS: “Please, I beg of you TLS, no more mutiple questions! I’m getting dizzy just trying to keep tally of all the questions and traffic lights!”
    “It’s gotten to the point,” he lamented, “where, instead of counting sheep at bedtime, I’m counting the endless stream of questions fielded to me, and the zillions of traffic lights and road signs! Please, TLS, stop sending me multiple questions!”
    In response to the Mayor’s desperate and urgent plea, TLS is reportedly planning on sending the Mayor just one question in the next ‘Ask the Mayor’ post – a multiple choice question. According to inside sources, the multiple choice question that will be asked of the Mayor is as follows:
    “Mr. Mayor, thank you for fielding my question. My question is as follows: Can you get a traffic light installed on my block? Please check one of the following multiple choice answers:
    A) A Traffic light on your block? For sure! Consider it done!
    B) A traffic light on your block? I don’t know, maybe, maybe not, I’m not making any promises. C) A traffic light on your block? Hmm, if Traffic & Safety officials give the OK, then why not? I mean, what do I got to lose? D) So you want a traffic light installed on your block, aye? Well, please be aware that Lakewood Township has already purchased just about every traffic light that Amazon has on its website. I’m sorry, but the answer to your question is a resounding ‘No!’ Unfortunately, we won’t be able to get a traffic light installed on your block until the day after tomorrow when Amazon restocks its traffic light inventory. My sincerest apologies to you and your blockmates.”

  4. i don’t know who wrote the last comment about the amount of questions to the Mayor.

    All i can say is:
    The more questions that are asked and answered, the better. Why must we wait five weeks for five answers if we can get them all in one day.

    Do you think anyone knows how many questions are being sent it in?

    So thank you to:
    1. The TLS for posting this column.
    2. To the Mayor for spending the time to answer the questions.


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