Accident Leaves Vehicle Overturned on Oak Street in Lakewood [PHOTOS]

An accident left one vehicle on its side this morning in Lakewood.

The two-vehicle accident happened shortly after 10:00 AM at the intersection of Oak and Albert.

No serious injuries were reported.

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    • Generally, rollovers occur when the center of gravity is skewed, IE when turning.

      It reasons, that because of the hardship of turning [trying to quickly get in without waiting too long…] more vehicle operators put themselves & others at risk.

      The real blame is on the Township, for dereliction of duty. They allow endless construction of new homes, while NOT improving the bottlenecks all over town.

      As one of NJ largest populations, the Twp needs to be a bit more proactive [Ask the Mayor about a pot-hole not withstanding].

    • Lol,Teslas weigh anywhere from 3800 to over 5000lbs. A Sienna goes anywhere from 4400lbs to 4700lbs. Toyota Camry hybrid 3500-3600lbs. Compare that to the “bad ole days” when a dodge caravan weighed 3800lbs to 4000lbs. 1990 Caprice 3700lbs. The reason why there are so many rollovers is center of gravity is much higher, engines have more hp which most people can’t handle and around here…people are just too impatient and consistently run red lights, ignore speed limits and generally feel there is no reason to abide by any traffic laws.

  1. One case is , if you have a vehicle that goes thru an intersection without stopping for a stop sign and hits a vehicle on its side , chances are the vehicle hit will rollover. Plain and simple.

  2. If you do research, the nonsense that cars are lighter these days is laughable. Most vehicles today weigh more than earlier versions of the same model and these days vehicles are predominantly suv’s which have taller tires and higher centers of gravity. Minivans have bloated since the original models were introduced with some now over 5000lbs which is comparable to a 1999-2004 Silverado extended cab 4wd V8 longbed pickup! Higher center of gravity and getting hit in the side by a heavy vehicle that is traveling at a decent speed and over you go. If this isn’t true then why was a rollover so rare just 10-15 years ago while it’s a weekly occurrence now?


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