LPD Arrests 2 Men Responsible for Dozens of Burglaries; One Suspect Is Tent City Resident

tent_city_pd_tlsA three month long investigation led by Det. Peter Aakjer and Det. Mike Cavallo resulted in the arrest of 26 year old Tent City resident Alihbo Rosado, Detective Greg Staffordsmith said today.

On January 15th Alihbo Rosado was arrested on Clifton Avenue after he attempted to sell some jewelry that was taken from a recent home burglary.

Further investigation resulted in the recovery of additional proceeds from other recent burglaries.

As a result Alihbo Rosado was charged with over twenty counts of Burglary, Theft, Receiving Stolen Property, Fencing, Theft by Deception, Possession of CDS, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Trespassing.

Judge Basen set bail at $165,000 and he was later transported to Ocean County Jail.

While the above investigation was unfolding Officers were dispatched to a Woodlake Manor home to investigate a burglary that had just occurred. A witness reported that they observed a black male in the area carrying a flat screen tv.

Det. LeRoy Marshall and Det. Jason Pederson observed a male matching the description of the suspect in the neighboring Golfview Condo complex.

A short time later the man identified as 21 yr old Charlie Burns was taken into custody and proceeds of the Woodlake Manor burglary were recovered.

Further investigation resulted in 47 additional counts of Burglary and Theft steaming from a crime spree that dates back to August of 2013. These counts include Burglary to Motor Homes, Residential Homes and Backyard Sheds.

Bail was set by Judge Basen in the amount of $192,500 and he was subsequently transported to Ocean County Jail. [TLS]

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  1. My shed was burglarized a few months ago a number of power tools were taken, did lpd detectives discover additional items?? How can I find out??

  2. @Country4life

    when it’s you house that’s broken into then you have a say in the matter

    someone who was broken into

  3. To # 1. What do you mean by ” oh no here comes all the bashing of tent city residents”. Why don’t you for once stick up and look out for people other than tent city residents. Can they do no harm in your eyes? Come on man. Get real

  4. Hey number 1
    Considerate to who?? Criminals?? Thieves?? Here’s a good solution to tent city. Just arrest them all. They’re better off in jail anyway. They’ll have heat food etc.

  5. Good job, LPD detective dept. they really know how to detect. As punishment, we should close 2 lanes to traffic on Cedar Bridge & cause traffic into Tent City. That’ll show them.

  6. Gee what a shock! A tent city “resident”. Throw them all out along with the bleeding hearts in this town.
    Stop wasting my tax dollars.

  7. this is the truth the liberals dont want you to know. (its also the reason none of the liberals ever offer the homeless to camp out in THEIR back yards.)

  8. Hey if the Tent City resident burglarized so many homes, how come he couldn’t afford a real place to live? As far as the liberals are concerned, you know the definition of a conservative? It’s a liberal who was mugged.

  9. What a perfect life! Enter the country illegally (or is it undocumentedally), hide out in tent city, get arrested without making bail and – viola! – the taxpayers will fit the bill for three meals a day, sleeping quarters etc. at the Ocean County jail! Not exactly a hotel but you get the point.

  10. Anoymous- the majority of tent City residenst are heroin and crack abusers . Thats where the money goes , they make a few bucks and spend it that night on drugs- time for it to end. And where is the minister Brigham who says all Tent cIty residents are just homeless because they dont have money for high rents – he never mentions about the drug addicts and theives he is covering for .

  11. FYI the 26 yr old burglar was legal and a druggie and thanks to the LPD for a job well done. Special thanks to Det. Michael Cavallo for working overtime.

  12. Thieves, drug addicts, and alcoholics are all part of the problem in Tent City but what honestly scares me the most are the 5 (or more) NJ registered offenders there. Last I checked there were 5 tier one and tier two offenders that list their address as Tent City in Lakewood….even the number tent they are in!

  13. Post above is regarding Megan’s List offenders. I wonder if the neighbors of Tent City are alerted to their presence in the neighborhood…it’s the law.

  14. LKWD: There are 154 names on Megans list that have Lakewood addresses. Are you not concerned about the other 149 names on the list or just the ones that live in Tent City

  15. This is such a shame i kno both these kids n im shocked… i guess u never really kno someone… they seemed like gud kids…. woooow this hurt me like someone just died…: guess u choose ur life path…

  16. Is there a phone number to call you at LKWD police that is not being recorded ? Some TIPS lines are not recorded to protect the identity of confidential informants should the criminals try to subpeona the phone call made to police? You might get more responce if a person is assured anonyminity .

  17. LKWD- I am scared after reading your posts and looked them up for my own safety . Unfortunately there is no way you can disclose who they are unless the police do it for you . The offenders have more rights then the citizens do .Why doesnt the minister appoint people to watch over these offenders so they dont harm any Tent City residents . Scary, scary . You can go on the State Police of NJ website , under Megans lawm but you cant disclose to your neighbors .

  18. To anonymous #25: my point being that the other numerous offenders in Lakewood have physical addresses to where their neighbors can be sent notices by police letting them know a person on Megan’s List lives nearby. I highly doubt this is being done for the people that live around tent city.

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